Wednesday, August 5, 2015

10 Months

Miss Kinsley is 10 months old! She has 6 teeth, eats solid foods, says "oh dear", "night night", "hi", in addition to mama and dada. Her giggles are adorable and her hugs are so sweet. And yes, she is on the move! Little lady started walking two weeks shy of her 10th month.

July Recap

July was not short on rained record amounts here and when it wasn't raining we spent time in the pool, at the splash parks, and slip and sliding. The boys had fun at VBS with their buddies Lincoln and Bennett. We had visits from the Spillmans and Grammy & Papaw. Our little Kinsley started walking on July 26th...and nothing will ever be the same around here!

Working on some solid foods

lots of wrestling at our house these days